The Plath sextant that navigated Catspaw around the world
Site Navigation

The basic structure of all primary pages is very similar. These pages are mostly simple single-column documents, designed to be read from top to bottom and to display in a window that occupies roughly half the screen. Above the page is often a large feature photo (with caption). Below the photo is a scroll containing the page. At the head of the scroll is a page title, followed (typically) by a series of subtitled sections separated by horizontal rules.

Navigating these pages is somewhat rudimentary and requires frequent use of the scroll bar and back button. At the foot of each page are listed the primary external links for the page. The first line of links (or several lines of links, if there are enough links) is for the child pages. Then come the return links, one to a line, a link to the parent page, a link to the parent's parent page, etc.

The site's pages also typically contain multiple external links within the document itself (mostly photo and video thumbnails). One returns to the page after viewing these links by clicking the back button.

The longer multisection pages also list one or more lines of internal links just below the page title. These links not only provide ready access to the various sections from the top of the page, they provide the viewer with a table of the page's contents.

This scheme does not provide one click access to a page's sibling pages. To access a sibling page, one can always scroll to the foot of the page, return to the parent page, scroll to the foot of the parent page, and, from there, link to the sibling page. Often, however, one can link more conveniently via the back button. If, in visiting the page, one has made sparing use of the internal links listed under the page title, a few clicks of the back button should return one to the foot of the parent page.

A note about the video pages: as of 26 April 2019, these pages employ the HTML5 video tag. You no longer need to install an Adobe Flash Player plugin in your browser to view videos. To limit video storage demands, the site contains only a single .mp4 version of each embedded video. Also, 16:9 HD and HDV videos have been encoded at a reduced resolution of 800 by 450 and bit rate of 2000 kbps, and 4:3 SD videos have been encoded at a resolution of 640 by 480 and bit rate of 1500 kbps. You may need a reasonably fast system and a DSL connection or equivalent to properly buffer the corresponding playback.

The appearance of the video playback controls varies from browser to browser. Tyically these controls overlie the base of the video window. To start playback, click the play button at the left end of the controls. Once playback has started you can hide the controls by moving the cursor out of the video window. To make these controls visible once again, move the cursor back in the video window.

Some browsers surround the video window with a thin black outline. To eliminate this outline, click the page outside the video window after starting the video.

To play the video full screen, click the expansion button at the right end of the controls. A new set of controls will overlie the bottom of the screen. To hide this set of controls, move the cursor off screen to the right.

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